Apple Butter Recipe

For this recipe, you will need a generous amount of apples, a dutch oven and a dash of patience. While some recipes might suggest sugar and other additions, my kitchen philosophy revolves around simplicity.. 


  1. Set the oven to 375 degrees. Wash + chop the apples — skin on or off, your choice.

  2. Toss the apple chunks into the dutch oven. Cover with a lid and stir every 30 minutes. Scrape those caramelized bits from the sides back into the mix.

  3. After an hour, blend the apples until smooth. Use a hand blender or any blender you have.

  4. Keep cooking until it turns into a thick, buttery brown mix. The time to cook depends on the amount of apples you use.

Add spices if you wish. Store in air tight jars in the fridge for a couple weeks. Enjoy it on yogurt, oatmeal, toast, in cocktails, by the spoonful! I made plenty and gave it out as gifts. Enjoy <3


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Nurturing the Essence of Yoga through History and Philosophy