The Dream

Where do you get your inspiration? I ask myself this same question as I struggle to pinpoint enough passion and curiosity to last long enough to write a piece inspired by a moment of rædiance. 

Maybe that’s all that inspiration is. A moment of inner light powered by passion and curiosity. And maybe getting inspired is quite simple compared to the task it takes to act on that inspiration. The inspired act is writing this blog post or starting that business or …(and here is my fantasist side peaking through).. saying I love you.

The act is inspired by the dream, an ideal that is true and beautiful to you. The dream whispers to you in moments of doubt and stagnation and says, “keep going,” “believe in yourself,” and “keep sharing, you will soon light a thousand candles.” This is how inspiration travels around the world. But without the encouragement of the dream, inspiration becomes weak and dull.

So.. don’t sleep on your dreams. Talk about them. Even if they don’t make since yet or are not completely clear, the more you speak to your dream, the more it speaks back. Think about your dream all day. Carry it along with you in your heart mind and move in the direction the dream would move. Paint about it. Sing about it. Dance to its song. The more you fill your life with your dream, the more your dream comes true. 


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